Be Inspired - Astrological Art


Humans have long had a fascination with the night sky; from the twinkle of stars to the eerily beautiful glow of the moon to the miles and miles, light years of infinite time and space, unexplored and full of potential, finding meaning in that which is impossible to wrap your head around. This interest has also long featured in art as constellations and star maps have even been found amongst ancient cave. An interest in astrology, in particular, is often linked to tumultuous times and with the still recent pandemic, political and economic unrest, as well as the unending access to media impacting general anxiety levels, the recent rise of interest in astrology comes as no surprise. 

There are many reasons why people are interested in astrology including understanding and being understood, a source of comfort or control, knowing yourself better and a sense of belonging, or just a bit of fun! Constellations, zodiacs, and star signs can even feel like a message personalised just to you. Find insight and answers, motivation and encouragement, inspiration and aspiration with this collection of astrological artwork. 

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