Be Inspired - Beautiful Bouquets


A bouquet of flowers is classically and timelessly beautiful, a sign of romance, condolences, or even as a simple caring gesture. Flowers and particularly bouquets have a long history in art, frequently used both for their aesthetic appearance and for their potential for symbolism; there is even a whole cryptological language of flowers and floral arrangements. The beauty of this collection, however, certainly speaks for itself!

This elegant collection features paintings in pretty pastels like soft whites and baby blues, sweet and sophisticated sketches, vibrant green foliage, and saturated brights. From the dainty to the daring to the detailed, there are beautiful arrangements in vases, simple rustic cuttings in jars wrapped with twine, and close up details of intricate patterns and textures. With fluffy clouds of hydrangeas, perky sprigs of lavender and branches of blossom, this collection is full of beautiful bouquets.

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