Artist in Focus - Jack Wild
Jack Wild is a fine artist based in Kent. He has worked as an artist and illustrator for 30 years, and his paintings have been produced as prints and limited editions with his originals being found in numerous prominent collections around the world.
Jack has always been primarily focused on capturing the movement and quality of the light in his work. His interests cross all subject matters but his Realistic painting style is at the core of everything he does.
What are the main themes behind your work?
I am an aesthete and love whatever I am painting to be as beautiful and arresting as it can be. I don’t have restrictive themes apart from the light, atmosphere and composition of whatever I’m enjoying painting.
What is your creative process - how do you begin a new piece of work?
I have an idea often inspired by something I’ve seen whether a tv programme/film or something in everyday life. I then sketch and work up ideas in Photoshop and Painter before settling on a composition which I draw onto gessoed boards and start to paint. I work mainly in acrylics as I love the spontaneous quick approach they allow with their drying times.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Squint when you’re looking at your painting… it helps to see tonal values and removes distracting detail when you’re judging your progress.
Who have been your biggest influences in your career? Artist or otherwise.
Whistler, Sargent, Joaquin Sorolla, Justin Mortimer, Jeremy Geddes, George Bellowes, Andrew Wyeth and Isaac Levitan.
What else would you love to do or achieve in your career?
Firstly to paint something that became loved across social and geographic boundaries . Not elitist but accessible… Secondly to help pass on some skills and support to people interested in working in the arts and creative world.